danny & shannon // greeley, colorado // engagement photography
Wow. These two. I walked away from this shoot feeling so deeply inspired. I wasn't just blown away by the incredible fields of gold, the lake reflecting beautiful clouds, the night skies of lucid blue or the pinkest sunset I've ever seen. It wasn't just the scene that inspired me. Really, I walked away inspired by the natural beauty of this couple. Shannon and Danny swear they're opposites, but they share the same sense of humor (both of them made me laugh all night), the same all-consuming faith for the Lord, the same diet (vegans!), the same love for their families, and the same mannerisms of gentleness (mixed in with a good amount of silliness) toward the other. They are delicate and kind with each other. They speak kindly to each other (how often do we take something so small for granted?). They speak kindly about each other, which really made my heart swell because you can just hear the admiration and excitement in their voices. I can honestly say I am proud to call them my new friends because they are good, good people. In just a few weeks, Shannon & Danny, you guys will be sharing the most deeply beautiful and wonderful day of your lives together alongside your friends, your family, and your God. How miraculous (and I don't use that word lightly) it has been for me to see the process of three becoming one. May the Lord bless (and by bless, I mean FLOOD and POUR and SATURATE) your marriage with his love and grace.