Sophie // Month 2
During her second month of life, Sophie started giving us the biggest, gummiest smile that radiated from her head to her toes and completely liquified her parents' heartsFavorite books: One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss, The Snowy Day by Ezra Jackson, Baby Animals: Black and White by Tildes, and Guess How Much I Love You by McBratney and JeramFavorite songs: "I Love You, Always Forever" by Donna Lewis. "I Want You Back" by the Jackson Five, and "Welcome to Earth, Polywog" by Sturgil Simpson (we've been listening to A Sailor's Guide to Earth on repeat since her birth)Favorite activities: Punching the skunk on the pages her favorite Night Animal book, making goo-goo eyes at blue monkey playmat boyfriend (all day, errr day), having intense conversations with dad, saying the words "goo" and "ahhh," listening to mom and dad read Dr. Seuss books, staring directly into lightbulbs, taking strolls with Charles Barkley, listening to her mom and dad belt Donna Lewis together as they change her diaperFavorite things: Her colorful, handmade African animal mobile, Gabin (her squeaky bear toy), the mechanical fox that plays peek-a-boo when you push a button, her on-the-go mini mobile, her giant musical octopus (yes, that's a real thing)Least favorite things + activities: TUMMY TIME. OH MY GOSH, TUMMY TIME. Getting her two month shots (but we're super thankful for the existence of vaccines, seriously), listening to mom sob-read I Love You Forever.New Nicknames: Stink WeaselFirsts: Barking like a seal when hungry, big gummy smiles, coos and squeaks, outgrowing all her 0-3 month clothes, ROLLS ON ROLLS ON ROLLSA few favorite photos:
"I don't think you're ready for this jelly."
P.S. A few goofy ones ;)