Santa Fe // Photos
Last spring I mentioned to my dad that I had always wanted to visit Santa Fe, and he offered to drive me. He had a work function; I had a break from teaching. So, we took a spur of the moment father-daughter road trip to Santa Fe. At that point, I was pregnant with Sophie, so I ate snacks the ENTIRE six hours. My dad never complained when I crunched white cheddar popcorn in his ear, when I asked to stop for bathroom breaks, or when I listed all the baby names I could think of for his opinion (he liked Lorelei, after one of our favorite Styx songs). We pulled into Santa Fe in the early evening, and the first thing I noticed were the flowers blooming everywhere. I love taking photographs of flowers in dark lighting (see above photo). This was probably just my imagination, but I felt like the flowers made the whole city smell sweet and musty. We ate dinner at The Shed (so good, for the record). The next morning, my dad dropped me off at The French Pastry Shop where I ate all of the things (oh so pregnant) before I strolled around the town to take pictures and explore.Santa Fe surprised me. It's smaller than I imagined--and a teeny bit more kitchy than I imagined. Still, something about it felt familiar and warm and connected. I liked the bold colors and the sand-colored buildings. Plus, Santa Fe claims Georgia O'Keefe-- whose work, in my opinion, is captivating--so I love it just for that alone. I could stare at some of her pieces for hours. My favorite painting from the Georgia O'Keefe museum, which we visited before we left, is shown below.Here are a few fun photos from the trip. Evidently staircases and animal bone shadows were my jam last spring. You know, just channeling my inner GO'K.
^ My handsome dad.
^I love the sense of movement--without any actual movement happening-- in this photo.
^ The rain on the drive home.